أخبار العرض
Quanzhou City, the reasonable price of casting film machine wholesale
تحديث: 2014-08-27    ضرب: 711    من: Nuoda
Film production support our land; logistics mode of water transportation, also support the bank transfer; online payment; Save Draft; face to face transactions payment, once your payment, we will ship within working days. If the product has any non-human factors of problem, you can send to Fujian Quanzhou Jinjiang; Fujian Quanzhou Shishi, we will provide high quality after sale service for you.
Noda Co. Ltd mainly to supply the products of special equipment for stainless steel casting film machine industry production, its main use is industrial manufacturing. Various types of products, mainly due to t-4568, weight 500kg, product types can be supplied according to customer requirements.
The casting film machine purchase Noda Co. Ltd. in your post, I will with land transportation; logistics mode of water transportation for you to deliver the goods and the main material of our products are stainless steel, and also to provide one year warranty, you can rest assured that the purchase is the mechanical hardware tools products.
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Where the cast film production line in Quanzhou City, reasonable price to buy:صفحة لأسفل
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العنوان: قرية Wutan، Chidian، جينجيانغ، مدينة تشيوانتشو، فوجيان
الهاتف: + 86-595-85956056
فاكس: + 86-595-85923236
البريد الإلكتروني: nuoda@qznuoda.com
مبيعات الخط الساخن: + 86-13959898521
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